We're Now Officially a .com!
From the Desk of CEO, Scott Gillum
Last month we were able to acquire Carbondesign.com! This will dramatically
increase our "findability" and hopefully, end those lost emails!
Check Out the New Services Page
While your there, check out Carbon Quadrants and dig deeper into how we're using personality based marketing to help clients improve marketing performance. New Services Page.
Scott's Latest Article in The Drum
Making a purchase decision is risky, and where there is risk, there are emotions. So why do we only measure and track the quality of a lead rationally? Find out more.
Register for Tomorrow's Webinar!
Join us in a session with Usman Sheikh, CEO at xiQ, to address how to understand the evolving dynamics of B2B buying groups. Register here.
Tips on Bringing Employees Back to the Office
"COVID Killed the Traditional Workplace. What Should Companies Do Now? When the pandemic recedes, executives can’t expect office life to be as it was. But they can create a new work world that will keep employees happy and productive, say Harvard Business School faculty members." Read more.